[GRASS-git] [OSGeo/grass] a1c9c2: g.region: Add more detail into LL error messages (...

Vaclav Petras noreply at github.com
Wed Nov 24 13:20:52 PST 2021

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/OSGeo/grass
  Commit: a1c9c22da07d2a9c39987936b794bd21a9112e1b
  Author: Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus at gmail.com>
  Date:   2021-11-24 (Wed, 24 Nov 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M lib/gis/adj_cellhd.c

  Log Message:
  g.region: Add more detail into LL error messages (#1988)

When setting up region in LL, this adds the actual values to the error messages in case these are computed
in the g.region call or function call itself. The value may also provide more explanation to what was actually violated.

Similar to #1140 (e0ce1558e6d4bda6b9d189a308941cc67222e366) but for the lat-lon extent cases.

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