bulk label lines

Bill Brown brown at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Wed Oct 20 09:46:52 EDT 1993

Darrell writes:

>         if ( 0 < Vect_read_next_line(&Map,Points) )
>         {
>           X = Points->x[1] + 0.5*(Points->x[0] - Points->x[1]);
>           Y = Points->y[1] + 0.5*(Points->y[0] - Points->y[1]);
>         }
>         else
>         {...
> where X and Y are the location of the label points. Is this
> valid? It worked on my UTM test case ...

The points in the line are not neccessarily in order from west to east,
if that's what you're asking.

I'm not familiar with the program you're working on, but in general to
make this work in lat-long, you should use:
east = G_adjust_easting (Points->x[i], &wind);
or something like that.


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