GRASS4.1 and rsh commands

Conn Copas C.V.Copas at
Fri Sep 17 18:50:35 EDT 1993

For a variety of reasons, we have been calling GRASS4.0 executables via remote
shell commands. This strategy works well for any routine which can be fully
specified through command-line arguments, but breaks down when more interaction
is required, eg, d.3d, d.where, d.what, etc. We can live with that. My question
is whether we can expect to keep doing this if we move to release 4.1, ie, are
the graphics and the executables sufficiently decoupled?
Conn V Copas
Loughborough University of Technology          tel : +44 (0)509 222689
Computer-Human Interaction Research Centre     fax : +44 (0)509 610815      
Leicestershire  LE11 3TU              e-mail - (Janet):C.V.Copas at   
G Britain                                      (Internet):C.V.Copas at

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