Problems using programs in /grass/4.1/pbmplus/pbm directory

robert atnip atterbury!robert at
Mon Sep 27 15:54:41 EDT 1993

Im trying to convert some files from Harvard Graphics (Harvard Graphics is on a dos machine) over to raster images so I can print them on my Tektronix 4696 
printer.  Im trying to use the tifftopnm program in /grass/4.1/pbmplus/pbm
directory, the I want to use pnmtorast, but I cannot figure out how to properly 
use the commands, please help if you know anything about these commands :

anytopnm     pbmmask      pbmtoxbm     picttoppm    pnmtile      ppmtouil
brushtopbm   pbmpaste     pbmtoybm     pnmarith     pnmtorast    ppmtoxpm
cmuwmtopbm   pbmreduce    pbmtozinc    pnmcat       pnmtotiff    psidtopgm
damage.tif   pbmtext      pbmupc       pnmconvol    pnmtoxwd     qrttoppm
fitstopgm    pbmto10x     pcxtoppm     pnmcrop      ppmhist      rasttopnm
fstopgm      pbmtoascii   pgmbentley   pnmcut       ppmmake      rawtopgm
g3topbm      pbmtobbnbg   pgmedge      pnmdepth     ppmpat       rawtoppm
gemtopbm     pbmtocmuwm   pgmenhance   pnmenlarge   ppmquant     rgb3toppm
giftoppm     pbmtoepson   pgmhist      pnmfile      ppmquantall  spctoppm
gouldtoppm   pbmtog3      pgmnorm      pnmflip      ppmrelief    sputoppm
hipstopgm    pbmtogem     pgmoil       pnmgamma     ppmtogif     tgatoppm
icontopbm    pbmtogo      pgmramp      pnmindex     ppmtoicr     tifftopnm
ilbmtoppm    pbmtoicon    pgmtofits    pnminvert    ppmtoilbm    xbmtopbm
imgtoppm     pbmtolj      pgmtofs      pnmmargin    ppmtopcx     ximtoppm
lispmtopgm   pbmtomacp    pgmtolispm   pnmnoraw     ppmtopgm     xpmtoppm
macptopbm    pbmtomgr     pgmtopbm     pnmpaste     ppmtopi1     xwdtopnm
mgrtopbm     pbmtopi3     pgmtoppm     pnmrotate    ppmtopict    ybmtopbm
mtvtoppm     pbmtoplot    pgmtops      pnmscale     ppmtops
pbmlife      pbmtoptx     pi1toppm     pnmshear     ppmtopuzz
pbmmake      pbmtox10bm   pi3topbm     pnmsmooth    ppmtorgb3

                       Thanks Bob Atnip
                       robert%atterbury at
                       (812) 526-1249

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