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Sun Feb 6 15:56:08 EST 1994

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From: David Gerdes <dpgerdes at zorro.cecer.army.mil>
Message-ID: <199402032057.AA06842 at zorro.cecer.army.mil>
Subject: Announcing New TCL/TK Workshop at GRASS UGM
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Date: Thu, 3 Feb 1994 14:57:06 -0600 (CST)
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This is to announce a new workshop at the 1994 GRASS Users
Conference:  "An Introduction to Tcl/Tk."

Tcl is a freely available scripting language which has an excellent
extension, Tk,  for developing X windows GUIs.  Tcl provides a
stand alone scripting environment [ like sh ], with variables and flow
control such as test and loops. The extension package Tk adds to that a
full featured set of X Windows widget creation commands.  Tcl/Tk
provides capabilities similar to XGEN, but is much more powerful and
flexible.  It also does not require Motif.  There is also an excellent
GUI builder program available which itself is completely written in
the Tcl language.  Another useful feature of Tcl is that it can be
embedded into C programs, thus providing scripting capability and
access to C subroutine level functionality.

Tcl can be used for developing X Windows based shell scripts, and
plans currently exist to more fully integrate Tcl with GRASS functions.

The workshop is tentatively scheduled for Sunday morning March 14th.

The standard workshop fee applies and you must register in advance.

If you are interested, please send me email soon, and/or contact
Pamela Cashman at the Open GIS Foundation (617) 621-7025 to sign up
for the workshop.

  David Gerdes
  US Army Construction Engineering Research Lab
  Spatial Analysis & Systems Team
  dpgerdes at zorro.cecer.army.mil
  (800) USA-CERL x591

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