projection conversion from state plane to utm

Kenn Gardels (CEDR-REGIS) gardels at
Tue Jan 25 14:13:25 EST 1994

We are trying to project a vector file from california state plane, zone iii,
to UTM.  The source location is defined as zone 403, which is a lambert 
conformal conic projection (as defined in etc/projections).  v.proj returns
an error

	major axis, radius = 0, or not spec'ed
	cannot initializa pj

The first error comes from src/libes/proj/pj_init.c in routine pj_param, which 
then produces the second line from get_proj.c.

Before I try and figure out the proj code, which can be a little dense, I'm
wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem, if you have any ideas
about how to fix this, or if I'm missing a configuration step.

Here is the source location's PROJ_INFO file:

name: State Plane
proj: lcc
a: 0.63782064e+07
es: 0.6768657997291094e-02
x_0: 0.6096012192024384e+06
y_0: 0
lon_0: 120d30'w
lat_0: 36d30'n
lat_1: 38d26'n
lat_2: 37d4'n


| Kenn Gardels                     Tel +01 (510) 642-9205                      |
| CEDR - 390 Wurster Hall          Fax +01 (510) 643-5571                      |
| University of California         Internet  gardels at          |
| Berkeley, CA  94720              Bitnet    gardels at UCBCED                    |

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