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News Account news at yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU
Mon May 16 18:20:16 EDT 1994

Newsgroups: info.grass.users,info.grass.programmer
Path: melannie
From: melannie at NREL.ColoState.EDU (Melannie Hartman)
Subject: Map of U.S - Help!
Sender: news at yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU (News Account)
Message-ID: <Cpx21r.1An1 at yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>
Date: Mon, 16 May 1994 22:20:15 GMT
Distribution: usa
Organization: Natural Resource Ecology Lab, Colo. State Univ.
Lines: 24

I have an ascii file (48 rows X 115 columns) of net primary production of 
the 48 states.  I have minimum and maximum lat and long values for the
map, and each value in the ascii file represents a half-degree "square".

I want to create a raster file from this ascii data.  Of course, I can't
project this to UTM coordinates because the US spans across many zones.
I thought Grass is capable of referencing by latitude/logitude, or some
other x,y coordinate system, but I can't seem to find the commands I need.

Any suggestions?

I am using Grass 4.1



 _O                                       Melannie D. Hartman        
/ |\/   melannie at       Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
  |_    Grasslands Building, Room 106     Colorado State University
_/  \   (303) 491-2195                    Fort Collins, CO 80523

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