[GRASS5] configure.in Wants testers...gl for cygwin

Eric G . Miller egm2 at jps.net
Sat Dec 30 14:38:59 EST 2000

On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 07:08:10AM -0700, John Huddleston wrote:
> Eric,  (Grass)
> I had to add the -lGLw to the line.  There is no libGLwM in Cygwin.
> The testing for this in the configure would not work until I set a LIBS
> variable as follows in my configure-grass.sh script
> LIBS="-lGLw -lGLU -lGL -L/usr/X11R6.4/lib -lXm -lXt -lX11 -lSM -lICE -lXext"
> export LIBS
> rm -i config.cache
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --exec-prefix=/usr/local --with-x-libs=/usr/X11R6.4/lib --with-x-includes=/usr/X11R6.4/include --wit
> h-x
> The src/CMD/head/head.i686-pc-cygwin file is not good when you
> do it this way.  You have to hand edit that file and then the make
> works.  Attached is a ZIP file containing this file for anyone's
> reference.
> It would be nice for the configure to create a clean head file.

Okay, here is what I see for CygWin compatibility:

(1) Need to resolve this yacc vs. bison -y

(2) Need to include $X_PRE_LIBS, $X_LIBS, -lXext ?, and -lX11 for Tcl/Tk
    and OpenGL tests.  The OpenGL libes shouldn't be set in the
    XLIBPATH, but down in the OPENGL... area. Using --x-includes= and
    --x-libraries= should take care of the funny directory naming under
    CygWin; no need for an extra --with-x-<whatever> as this is already
    handled by the AC_XTRA macro.

(3) IPC is in a separate library under CygWin (-lcygipc).  Will this 
    always be the case? or is it because this functionality is not quite
    finished? (It's in libc for most systems.)

(4) r3.showdspf can't be compiled due to lack of Motif/Lesstif? and
    no libGLwM? (this may not be true if libGLw is already compiled with
    Motif/Lesstif support ????).

(5) libtk80.a and libtcl80.a should already be handled with change made

Is there anything else I missed?

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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