[GRASS5] Important hint: concerning [GRASS-COMMIT-CVS] list

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Mon May 22 07:04:23 EDT 2000

Dear developers,

to avoid further annoyance of being "bombed" by CVS-system
messages I have removed all members from the *CVS mailing list*.

Those of you being interested in received the CVS messages
again (like me), please subscribe again:


  How do I subscribe to "grass-commit"? 
  Send mail to minordomo at geog.uni-hannover.de with a subject of 
  'subscribe grass-commit' 

Those who prefer to check the electronic archive, please go

Sorry for any inconvenience, but I received above request due
to the high CVS mail traffic this weekend.

Best wishes

 Markus Neteler

If you want to unsubscribe from GRASS Development Team mailing list write to:
minordomo at geog.uni-hannover.de with
subject 'unsubscribe grass5'

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