[GRASS5] r.to.sites: change proposal for -a

Bill Brown - staff brown at gis.uiuc.edu
Mon Oct 30 11:07:12 EST 2000

Markus, David,

That looks reasonable to me.  I've used the cattype element 
from the Site struct in a few programs so those would
need to be changed, and I have some data with FP cats 
that would need to be converted.  

As far as I know, the original intent was to make the cat 
equivalent to RASTER_MAP_TYPE for r.to.sites and s.to.rast, 
but since the consensus seems to be to add options to those 
programs I think that would take care of it.  

Conceptually an FP cat sort of elevates the importance of an 
FP attribute and implies that other attributes depend on that 
one but maybe nobody is really using them like that.  It is
probably useful to keep an int cat in the structure for 
potential use in a database lookup of some sort.

As for having multiple int attributes, I don't really see 
much added functionality and it seems like it would require a 
lot of recoding of existing programs.  Programs that require
int site attributes could clearly document that the attribute
will be treated as int or else use the cat.

- Bill

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