[GRASS5] r.to.sites: change proposal for -a

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Tue Oct 24 10:00:39 EDT 2000

Hi all,

a proposal for r.to.sites:
Currently when converting raster data to sites format you
get a list like this:


Here we have two problems:
 - #cat may be INT only
 - usually you want %doubles format in sites list

I propose a change for r.to.sites:
remove this flag:
  -a   Output as decimal attribute rather than cat

and add a new one:
  -c Output as cat rather than decimal attribute

Would that be o.k.? If not we would need at least a test
if the raster map is an FP map and generate doubles in sites list then.
Above format is invalid.

If there are no objections I would change the flag in r.to.sites
and the HTML page, too.

Kind regards


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