[GRASS5] Summary: Proposal for improved GRASS init/import support

Michel Wurtz mw at teledetection.fr
Mon Sep 25 09:49:33 EDT 2000

Markus Neteler a écrit :
> Now a menu would appear with following items:
>  (1) Open existing session (using Justins forthcoming session manager)
>  (2) Define new location (using Justins forthcoming definition manager)
>  (3) Import data from file/cdrom... (using Frank Warmerdams GDAL import
>        module and others) and define location on-the-fly from data
>        settings
> As (1) and (2) are generally nothing new (except the new graphical
> layout), (3) would be very welcome. Here a general change in GRASS
> import modules (raster, vector and sites) would be required. Like
> commercial GIS software GRASS should be capable of defining a location
> while importing external data *without* additional user input.
> Technically it's possible in my opinion. The import module would
> read the projection/coordinates parameters from the spatial data file,
> generate the DEFAULT_WIND and other files (look into "testgrass.sh" how
> this can be done by script), create the location and import the data.
> Especially for new users this is much more convenient.

It's seems a good idea, and I will probably try to extend m.in.e00 to do
that (e00 files contain everything needed for creating a new region), but how
to do this the first time : G_gisinit() is the first call used, and it will
probably not agree with the lack of WIND_DEFAULT file !

Michel WURTZ - DIG - Maison de la télédétection
               500, rue J.F. Breton
               34093 MONTPELLIER Cedex 5

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