[GRASS5] G_sock_*, XDRIVER, and other fun...

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Mon Feb 12 06:48:41 EST 2001

Hi Eric,

here my report on XDRIVER/sockets:

o it works o.k.! And, hey, you can simply click-off the monitor...
  This is definitly a useful improvement. 
o the monitor comes up much faster
o the refresh problem with hidden monitor is still there (KDE2,
  you will know it).

Small idea to improve:
If you click-off a monitor and run d.rast (or whatever) later, you get:
  d.rast tk25
  Socket is already in use or not accepting connections.

This message might be extended: "Run d.mon to start new monitor.".
A problem is, that the message doesn't time-out. Means, you need to Ctrl-C
it away (funny: you have to hit return, before Ctrl-C is accepted). 
Could you use G_fatal_error() for this message?

Eric, congratulations to you quick implementation of sockets. It offers
long awaited features.


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