[GRASS5] Bad Fifo! - Mac OS X

Jeshua Lacock jeshua at SierraMaps.com
Fri Jan 26 03:49:22 EST 2001

Ok, the GUI seems usable with this build (unlike betas 9 & 10), however I cannot start a monitor.  Here is the output from the command line "d.mon":

GRASS 5.0beta11 > d.mon start=x0
using default visual which is TrueColor
Visual is read-only or using a private colormap
ncolors: 32768
allocating memory...
/usr/local/grass5/dev/fifo.1a: Operation not supported
Graphics driver [x0] started
Please start graphics monitor <x0>.
Error - Graphics monitor <x0> not running!
Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
Please start graphics monitor <x0>.
Error - Graphics monitor <x0> not running!

I just reformatted my drive, installed Mac OS X and all the libraries, etc., and the Grass5 11 beta source code and I am stumped. The fifos are there.  Any ideas??


Jeshua Lacock
Telephone: (760) 935-4481
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