[GRASS5] Darwin Pre1 NVIZ

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Tue Jun 5 21:01:47 EDT 2001

Duff Maps wrote:

> I have been using the following diff's on configure.in to compile with Mesa 
> on Debian. Because of the way Debian installs Mesa options. I have to 
> rebuild the *configure* by running *makeconf*. Then I ./configure and 
> compile as normally.
> I recompile grass5 every few days and generally things go fine.
> Tom Rake
> The Duff Map Company.
> Index: configure.in
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /home/grass/grassrepository/grass/configure.in,v
> retrieving revision 1.64
> diff -c -r1.64 configure.in
> *** configure.in	2001/04/09 19:26:37	1.64
> --- configure.in	2001/06/05 17:46:26
> ***************
> *** 880,886 ****
> --- 880,888 ----
>       ac_save_ldflags="$LDFLAGS"
>       AC_CHECK_LIB(GLw,GLwDrawingAreaMakeCurrent,LGLWM=-lGLw)
> +     AC_CHECK_LIB(MesaGLw,GLwDrawingAreaMakeCurrent,LGLWM="$LGLWM -lMesaGLwM")
>       AC_CHECK_LIB(GLwM,GLwCreateMDrawingArea,LGLWM="$LGLWM -lGLwM")
> +     AC_CHECK_LIB(MesaGLwM,GLwCreateMDrawingArea,LGLWM="$LGLWM -lMesaGLwM")
>       LDFLAGS=${ac_save_ldflags}
>   fi

Are you actually using r3.showdspf.openGL (from GMSL/g3d)? AFAIK, this
is the only program which actually requires libGLwM. As it currently
has outstanding bugs, it isn't in the 5.0.0 release branch in CVS.

Also, its documentation specifically refers to using Mesa's libGLw
(from the widgets-sgi directory) rather than libMesaGLwM (from

I don't want to change configure to accept libMesaGLwM in place of
libGLwM unless it's known to work.

If GMSL/g3d isn't going to make it into the release, we may as well
just remove the GLw checks altogether; otherwise they just confuse

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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