[GRASS5] hunting KDE/Xdriver redraw problem

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Tue May 15 17:42:11 EDT 2001

Hi all,

currently Glynn and me are hunting a KDE/Xdriver problem related to the new
auto-redraw feature of Xdriver. Perhaps someone here has a hint for us...

If displaying a raster map and one or more vector maps, now resize the GRASS
monitor with a mouse, sometimes the vector maps disappear (so auto-redraw
doesn't work properly). The raster map is mostly there. This only appears on
KDE while Xdriver runs well on GNOME windows manager.

Difference between KDE and GNOME:
 - KDE immediately redraws window contents when resizing
 - GNOME waits until the mouse button is released (only shows
   a moving frame without contents, then redraws contents after
   window got settled)

The KDE way leads to problems. Adding a sleep(1) before redrawing helps
a bit but isn't perfect. Any other ideas? Could we catch the 
mouse-button-release event and then redraw?

And: The problem only seems to appear, when resizing, while the redraw
is ongoing (means: two resizes quickly following each other). Perhaps
the redraw order is confused: vector first, then raster which would make
the vectors invisible?

Out of ideas for this,


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