[GRASS5] file ownership after installation

Hal Mueller hal at seanet.com
Fri Oct 19 00:12:16 EDT 2001

I notice that, after building Grass 5 in a non-privileged user 
account and then doing the "make install" as root, the final files in 
the /usr/local/grass5 tree are owned by the user who did the build. 
It's easy enough to fix with a chown -R, but for most installations I 
think the default should be that files are owned by root after 
installation, so that the non-privileged account can't accidentally 
or deliberately modify something.  The change is in the "tar xf" call 
where files are being copied from build location to installation 
location--should be "tar xfo" to make the untarred files belong to 
root instead of to the original creator.

Hal Mueller                hal at seanet.com
Mobile Geographics LLC     http://www.mobilegeographics.com/
Seattle, Washington        (206) 297-9575
Get CelestNav 2.2.2! http://www.mobilegeographics.com/celestnav/ 


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