[GRASS5] [bug #1248] (grass) g.remove bugfeature

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Tue Aug 27 22:15:08 EDT 2002

Request Tracker wrote:

> Subject: g.remove bugfeature

> Using g.remove to delete float raster maps leaves quite a bit clutter,
> for example in the fcell directory.
> These files are NOT automatically cleaned up in later GRASS sessions
> of the same mapset.
> Is this intentional, aka a good thing? 

No. And I am unable to reproduce it; for me, "g.remove rast=..." 
removes the corresponding file from the "fcell" directory.

Note that the behaviour of the management commands (g.remove, g.copy,
g.rename) is controlled by the file $GISBASE/etc/element_list. This
determines exactly which files/directories are removed/copied/renamed
when removing/copying/renaming a map.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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