[GRASS5] NVIZ question

Helena hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Sun Feb 3 16:17:11 EST 2002

Kevin ,

did you get my email where I have described the file sequencing tools?
You can run the animation through the scripting tools once to get
the state file, script and file list generated and then, if you just need
to add
a file(s) or change the file names you can just edit the list of files
by text editor. You can make additional changes directly into the saved
script file.
This used to work pretty well in the GL version of nviz, I haven't tried
it yet
in the opengl version. So let me known whether it works for you,
or maybe I just do not understand your question correctly,


P.S. I put the presentation with the RST and NVIZ applications for
LIDAR and RTK GPS beach and sand dune data at
in case you would like to look at it.
In case that you cannot read ppt file (starrofice reads it), figures
without comments are at:

Slover wrote:

> Just a general question about the NVIZ scripting functions...is it
> possible to create your own support files for the script file tools
> (i.e. fields, script) so that one may just create their state file and
> animate from there.  I am working right now with multiple files that I
> want to animate, and have used NVIZ for this before, but find it
> cumbersome to change everything by using the script file tools menu
> every time.
> thanks in advance...
> --
>         LTJG Kevin Slover,NOAA   GIS
> Specialist/Meteorologist/Oceanographer
>               Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center
>                     11691 SW 17th Street Miami FL 33165
>                  Work: (305) 229-4456 Fax : (305) 553-1264
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