[GRASS5] Grass 5.0 Pre3 Darwin Report

Jeshua Lacock jeshua at SierraMaps.com
Tue Feb 5 14:22:34 EST 2002

On Tuesday, February 5, 2002, at 03:52 AM, Glynn Clements wrote:

> Jeshua Lacock wrote:
>>>> BTW: This build is 122 MB again, I cannot seem to make it smaller, 
>>>> the
>>>> Pre 2 binaries are 50 MB...
>>> Try "make strip". The binaries are no longer stripped automatically.
>> I tried your suggestion, I issued a "make strip" followed by a "make
>> bindist" and the resulting file is the same size.
> "make strip" strips the files in dist.<arch>, but "make bindist" uses
> the files from the installation directory. You would need to re-run
> "make install" in between the two.


Thanks Glynn. That did the trick.

I am reloading the striped binaries now. The new binary archive is named 
the same as the last file upload with a ".S" extension.


Jeshua Lacock __________________________
Programmer/Owner            Phone:   760.935.4736
http://OpenOSX.com           Fax:        760.935.4845

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