[GRASS5] v.in.shape missing some polygons

Gualter Barbas Baptista gualter at netcabo.pt
Sun Feb 24 19:46:36 EST 2002

When I import shapefiles using v.in.shape almost everything goes ok, 
except for some polygons, that show up the lines, but have no values, 
which means that when I convert the vector file to raster there is 
nothing. I tried changing the colinearity tolerance and the snap 
distance, but the result is the same.
I tried exporting one of these images back as a E00 and the polygons 
that didn't show up had a value of zero. I changed manually the values 
to 1 and re-exported to shapefile, imported in GRASS, etc. and I got the 
same result.

Is this some known bug or am I doing something wrong?



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