[GRASS5] ./configure and --enable/--disable ??

Eric G. Miller egm2 at jps.net
Wed Jan 16 01:59:12 EST 2002

How come --enable/--disable don't work anymore to turn on/off features?  

For instance:

  ./configure ... --disable-odbc

doesn't work.  But,

  ./configure ... --without-odbc

does.  It's rather confusing to have both the enable/disable and 
with/without switches, with some working for certain things and
not for others.

Also.  I think the dependency list is growing large enough that it's
worth considering having a "configure" front end to help ease users
setting/unsetting certain options and arguments.  I imagine the new
user must find compilation pretty daunting (admittedly, it's better
than the old, old system).

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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