[GRASS5] [bug #1075] (grass) bug in r.mapcalc

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Fri May 31 09:47:15 EDT 2002

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=1075

Subject: bug in r.mapcalc

Platform: GNU/Linux/i386
grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: grass50_exp_2002_04_26


I have found that r.mapcalc doesn't work properly in a prompt/interactive mode:

GRASS:~ > r.mapcalc
mapcalc> newmap=2 * 3
mapcalc> exit

GRASS:~ > d.rast newmap
ERROR: Raster map [newmap] not available

Problem #1: "exit" doesn't work, I had to use Ctrl-c
Problem #2: newmap was not created 

Problem #3 (or just a note): in a command mode, r.mapcalc behaves differently than a few months ago. Now you must have a command without spaces around "="
while in the past this command worked OK:

GRASS:~ > r.mapcalc flow.dx = "flow * cos(aspect)"
r.mapcalc - Raster map layer data calculator

usage: r.mapcalc '<map>=<expression>'

r.mapcalc performs arithmetic on raster map layers.

New raster map layers can be created which are arithmetic expressions
involving existing raster map layers, integer or floating point constants,
and functions.

For more information use 'g.manual r.mapcalc'

So now I have to change my scripts, but it is not a big deal...

Best regards,

Jaro Hofierka

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