[GRASS5] ps.map & faded legends.

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 6 02:34:28 EDT 2003

> Subject: Re: [GRASSLIST:672] ps.map colortable
> Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 14:24:46 +1200
> From: "Daniel Victoria" <daniel_victoria at yahoo.com>
> I'm creating some ps.maps for display and aparently
> the colors on the colortable are faded, compared to
> the colors on the map.

Sorry, I earlier mistook your problem for something else.

I just tried making some ps.map output from 5.0.2, 5.0.CVS, and 5.1.

All versions had faded legends like the attachment.

Good news is that this seems to be a RedHat 7.3 ghostview bug (I think).
Copied the same file to a Debian/Sarge system and it looks fine in gv
over there. I know ps.map legends generally look fine in RH9 as well,
but I didn't test this same PostScript file there.

Viewing with ghostscript on that same RH7.3 computer shows correct
output, so I think it is just RH7.3's gv. Should look ok if you print
it, as that usually uses the gs filters and not gv(?).

Hopefully you are using RH7.3 Daniel?

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