[GRASS5] New Datums

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Thu May 29 04:47:25 EDT 2003

On Wednesday 28 May 2003 17:47, Paul Kelly wrote:
> Just a clarification: The new datum set-up in GRASS makes it possible to
> define many different sets of transformation paramters for each datum.
> This is done in the datumtransform.table file. E.g. hermannskogel
> currently has four sets of 7-parameter transformations, each for Austria,
> Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia. Also, these are really just
> 'suggestions' for the user to pick when setting up his/her location using
> g.setproj, and custom parameters can be entered or changed later by editing
> the PROJ_INFO file.

Sorry, I did not notice this, I am satisfied with datumtransform.table.

Only one wish, could you include also

S-42    "towgs84=26,-121,-78" "Czech Republic, Slovak Republic" " "

from TR8350.2/NIMA, I am not aware of any better source.
Both S-JTSK and S-42 are used in Czech and Slovak Republic.


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