[GRASS5] Problems compiling grass51/57 on cygwin

Buchan Milne bgmilne at cae.co.za
Tue Oct 7 11:00:51 EDT 2003

Hash: SHA1

Paul Kelly wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Buchan Milne wrote:

>>I need just a basic grass51/57 on cygwin (since I do actualy work on
>>linux, but for a simulation I need it running on Windows), so I tried to
>>build from my cvs snapshot from the weekend that built fine with all
>>options on my linux boxes, but I still ran into problems.
>>Firstly, it seems 'make mix' has problems on Cygwin (due to problems
>>with symbolic links it sees).
> Has always been OK for me...are you sure you are using an NTFS partition?

I don't think this is mentioned as a necessity ... and I don't have
space on my NTFS partition on the machine I am using to compile grass
there (so I am compiling on fat32). However, I did test this on NTFS on
another machine, and got the same error ( could not stat file xxx.h etc
on linked files).

>>Secondly, I got the common cygwin error "undefined reference to
>>WinMain at 16". Googling for this seemed to indicate that the "-shared"
>>option needs to be passed for linking, so I added this in
>>include/Make/Shlib.make (I guess there should be a better solution).
> You can't compile GRASS with shared libraries on Cygwin and you must use
> the --enable-shared=no configure option (not using this probably causes
> most of the following errors)

Well, it seems to work for almost all parts of grass, only a few small
pieces are broken. But, again, this isn't mentioned anywhere (and I
think it is the default?).

>>The build then at least procedes further and links some libraries, but I
>>then get a whole bunch of errors in lib/gis/env.c (starting with
>>G_GISRC_MODE_FILE undeclared), which I haven't as yet been able to
>>Is anyone else seeing these issues (or do I need to update my Cygwin
>>installation - it was running the binary dist of 5.0.0 quite well though)?
>>It would help if the documentation (ie INSTALL) mentioned at least the
>>first issue (if it's not irrelevant).
> I'm sure I read somewhere that you must use NTFS or else GRASS will not
> work but maybe there's another problem...

I don't think that's it, but if it were, this isn't mentioned anywhere.

> In general 5.7 has recently had some support added for optionally building
> components and it looks like we are going to go along the model of setting
> a variable USE_XXX=1 in the configure script and then in the top-level
> Makefiles for types of modules (vector, raster etc.) using a sequence of
> ifneq(USE_XXX,)
> SUBDIRS += moduledependentonXXX1 moduledependentonXXX2
> endif
> etc.
> (Look at the vector Makefile for v.in.ogr etc. to see how it is done and
> then you can submit patches for other modules e.g. to make
> --without-tcltk and other options to work)

I am a bit short on time at present, so I am using the binary build
Richard Greedwood posted, and compiling my own modules against my own
build (which seems to work fine).

If I manage to find the time to do this, I will ...


- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x202
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
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