[GRASS5] [bug #2174] (grass) Message : advise developers

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Wed Oct 22 02:44:12 EDT 2003

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2174

Subject: Message : advise developers

Platform: other MacOSX / X11
grass obtained from: Other (CDROM etc)
grass binary for platform: Downloaded precompiled Binaries
GRASS Version: 5.0.2

[Valentine:~] bmadin% grass5
Cleaning up temporary files.....
Starting GRASS ...
: command not foundtc/Init.sh: 
: command not foundtc/Init.sh: 
: command not foundtc/Init.sh: 
: command not foundtc/Init.sh: 
: command not foundtc/Init.sh: 
: command not foundtc/Init.sh: 
ERROR: Invalid return code from gis_set.tcl.
Please advise GRASS developers of this error.
/usr/local/grass5/etc/Init.sh: GISDBASE: parameter null or not set
[Valentine:~] bmadin% 


Ben Madin

-------------------------------------------- Managed by Request Tracker

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