[GRASS5] Tcl8.4 support?

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 15 02:18:52 EDT 2003

> But back to Debian with TclTk 8.4 and the bug as reported in
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.grass.devel/1883
> "it does freeze up (0% cpu) at the first instance of "exec"
> in etc/nviz2.2/scripts/nviz2.2_script, line 78:   (Adding panels
> section)    set panels [exec cat $index]
> (I tried placing some exec's further up in the script & they did the
> same lock-up)"
> I'll (re)confirm Tcl/Tk 8.3 doesn't show this behavior tomorrow.

5.0.3rc3 & Debian/Testing(Sarge) with tcl8.3-dev and tk8.3-dev:
works fine.

I'll try tcl8.4 with "-lpthread" next.
 (added to src.contrib/GMSL/NVIZ2.2/src/Gmakefile  XTRA_LDFLAGS ?)

> > > If tcltkgrass is crashing inside "pure" Tcl/Tk code, you won't be
> > > able to find out much unless you have a version of libtcl which
> > > has debug info.
> > 
> > I think (could be wrong) Debian binaries are stripped by default.
> Most distributions strip the dynamic libraries; sometimes the -devel
> package includes static libraries which aren't stripped, but mostly
> you have to build your own libraries if you want debug info.

just for the record:


In Debian the package can be built from source a bit more cleanly with
"apt-get source <package> --build" instead of downloading the raw
tarball & putting the results in /usr/local/...

I don't know if that way uses the same rules as the standard binary
building (I'd think it would), if so you'd have to leave off the --build
above and remove the strip rule by hand (add nostrip to the rules?)
before running "dpkg --build <package>".

Neither of those two steps will install the resultant .deb

standard disclaimer: don't take my word for it.


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