[GRASS5] Pre April/2001 'grass5' mailing list messages?

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Mon Sep 22 05:05:49 EDT 2003

Thanks to Morten Hulden we have 4000 mails more in the grass5 list archive.
The old mails 1999-4/2001 from the "minordomo" times are mostly

A few messages seem to be missing due to downtimes of Morten's server,
may I ask to check your archives for

    pre- April 2000 'grass5' emails?

Then we could try to get that complete and ask the 'gmane.org' people
to archive all 'grass5' mails back to 1999.

BTW: Also 140 'sqlgrass' mails we have restored.


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