[GRASS5] Need testers for tcltkgrass update for 5.7

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Tue Aug 17 11:31:58 EDT 2004

> Hmm. For some reason, a few commands are using exec (without the &)
> rather than execute; r.sunmask is one of them.
> AFAICT, the list of incorrect cases is:
> 	r.out.gridatb
> 	g3.createwind
> 	g3.setregion
> 	g.setproj
> 	d.monsize
> 	r.sunmask
> 	r.shaded.relief
> 	r.le.pixel
> 	r.le.patch
> 	r.le.trace
> 	v.segment
> I'm not sure how this occurred; I've attached an update.

Thanks, now it works fine for these commands.

>> This is also true for the d.mon commands which makes them unusable with
>> the tcltkgrass menu.
> The d.mon commands are run with arguments. They should complete more
> or less immediately, and so shouldn't need to be run in the
> background.

I have the feeling the problem might be the output of the d.mon command.
The actual tcl error message I get is:

using default visual which is TrueColor
ncolors: 16777216
Graphics driver [x0] started
using default visual which is TrueColor
ncolors: 16777216
Graphics driver [x0] started
    while executing
"exec d.mon start=x0"

Maybe tcl cannot handle the output (first two lines of the error message) ?


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