[GRASS5] Need testers for tcltkgrass update for 5.7

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Tue Aug 17 20:43:26 EDT 2004

Michael Barton wrote:

> I'll check this version on my Mac also and look it over. I'll wait to commit
> this until I hear back from Moritz (or anyone else who wants to weigh in on
> this). I need to understand which commands need which of the spawn, run, and
> term procedures and why.

Well, in general, anything which performs interaction on the terminal
needs to use "term", anything else which runs indefinitely needs to
use "spawn", and the rest (i.e. anything which isn't interactive and
which doesn't run indefinitely) can use "run".

The "runs indefinitely" is actually quite tricky. Primarily because
running multiple GRASS programs concurrently is problematic. If you
start a long-running program such as v.digit, it's debatable whether
you should be allowed to run anything else until it finishes.

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