[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:4606] Re: 5.4.0 Release Candidate on solaris 9

Gordon Keith gordon.keith at csiro.au
Fri Oct 22 00:14:59 EDT 2004

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 15:05, Hamish wrote:
> > Any idea why it has chosen the Alternate build mechanism?
> 5.4 was changed to do this, as shared libraries should work on all
> (most) platforms now.


The intent of the install method is to have the following sequence
of commands work to install GRASS on any platform.

        make install

from error:

configure: error: ***  Build directory should not be the same as source 
directory for the alternate build mechanism. Create a separate build 
directory and run again, e.g. mkdir ~/grass-build; cd ~/grass-build; /usr/
src/grass/configure ... (see mk/README)

Am I missing something, or is the build process a lot harder than it should 

(I'm looking at it as a pre-release for a stable version, not as a development 
version, so I'm being fussier than normal)



Gordon Keith
Programmer/Data Analyst
Marine Acoustics
CSIRO Marine Research

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