[GRASS5] question about CVS

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Thu Sep 16 17:34:47 EDT 2004

Michael Barton wrote:

> I am hoping that someone can check the CVS for me and give an independent
> opinion on something that doesn¹t look quite right from my end.
> I updated menu.tcl for d.m this morning and tried to update the script
> r.univar.sh so that it gets compiled by default. I successfully updated the
> script itself and associated description and html files. The latter was
> necessary as it was getting compiled as r.univar, confusing with the binary
> module r.univar. I also made a small update to the script. So far so good.
> However, when I tried to change the name of the script directory from
> r.univar to r.univar.sh it APPEARED to commit properly, but it seems to be
> unchanged (i.e., still /r.univar) when I look at it via the web based CVS
> page (a way to check to see if my commits have Œtaken¹). Also, when I try to
> update the scripts Makefile accordingly, changing the entry from r.univar/
> to r.univar.sh/ I am getting an error and it won¹t commit.

There isn't any need to rename the directory. Which is good, because
CVS doesn't allow renaming directories; you have to "cvs remove" all
of the files from the old directory, "cvs add" the new directory and
all of the files which it contains, then "cvs commit" both. And by
doing this, you lose the history.

> Possibly related, when I did the overhaul of d.m earlier this week, I also
> committed a script directory, within the d.m folder. However, it doesn¹t
> look as though it is there when I look at it via the web based CVS page.
> Could someone check to see whether
> 1. the /scripts/r.univar directory has been changed to /scripts
> r.univar.sh?


> 2. if the scripts Makefile has been updated, changing r.univar / to
> r.univar.sh /


> 3. If the /display/d.m/script directory is there


For point 3, you need to do something like:

	cvs add display/d.m/script
	cd display/d.m/script
	cvs add *.*
	cvs commit

I'd suggest leaving r.univar alone; simply adding r.univar to
scripts/Makefile should have been sufficient.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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