[GRASS5] Dealing with old bug reports: new GRASS 6 bugtracker?

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Mon Aug 1 10:38:05 EDT 2005

On Thu, Jul 28, 2005 at 10:25:19AM +0200, Markus Neteler wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 10:09:17PM +0200, Maciek Sieczka wrote:
> > Regarding the bugtracker.
> > In my opinion it would be good if 

From experience I know that changing the bugtracker is a lot of work,
especially if it changes a lot. Because RT is reaching is end of life
soon, I would rather spend more time on the new system than on major
changes on the old one.

> > I happen to see entries in the bugtracker which were never 
> > forwarded to public while should have been. 

This is debatable.
I found it better to do the discussion inside of each issue
and not clutter the email lists about it in other projects.
Of course the tracker system needs to make this possible.
Roundup is a lot better in this regard than Request Tracker,
as Request Tracker is geared towards a help-desk use.

> > any reply is forwarded to the list. This 
> > provides better information flow and more eyes are looking at the problem.

I guess that we would need another list for this.
The behaviour itself annoys me a bit on projects like kmail.

> Yes, good idea. I rarely come back on a regular base to the RT to
> check if the reporting user has written something.

If you wrote a reply, you can "take" the issue and then
a reply of the user will be directed to you and you do not miss it.

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