[GRASS5] [bug #2871] (grass) no float on v.buffer

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Mon Jan 3 04:16:50 EST 2005

Request Tracker wrote:
> this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2871
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: no float on v.buffer 
> Platform: GNU/Linux/i386
> grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
> grass binary for platform: Downloaded precompiled Binaries
> GRASS Version: 5.7.cvs
> My name is Michael O'Donovan
> I have extensively used vector and raster images imported into GRASS (lat, lon projection, datum -default WGS84 and SAD69 ellipsoid with a resolution of 00:00:30). I am unable to make buffers around point areas that are not integer multiples of degress. i.e. there is no floating point for v.buffer. 
> Any number enetered is rounded down to the nearest integer (0.999 gives a radius of 0 degrees and 1.9 gives a radius of 1). To correct this I have entered the distance as 0.X, 00:XX, 00:XX:00, 0dXm etc. in all of these only the figures receding the punctuation is used.
> At a sub-continental scale buffers of less than 1 degree radius are not of much use. A related problem is that measuring the distance between points always results in GRASS returning "0.000 meters".

It is because abs is used instead of fabs in functions used by v.buffer.
I am trying to rewrite v.buffer because of other bug.


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