[GRASS5] r3.mapcalc

Helena hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Sun Jan 9 23:01:20 EST 2005

while testing v.vol.rst I also tried r3.mapcalc and it probably needs update
due to the merge of WIND3 into WIND, it does not seem to find the correct value
for depths and it is giving a fatal error - here is an example from the
test location slovakia provided for testing of the 3D stuff

GRASS 5.7.cvs:~/grasscvs57/grass57_exp_2003_10_18/vector/v.vol.rst > g.region -p3
projection: 0 (x,y)
zone:       0
north:      5530000
south:      5275000
west:       4186000
east:       4631000
top:        3000.00000000
bottom:     0.00000000
nsres:      500
nsres3:     500
ewres:      500
ewres3:     500
tbres:      500
rows:       510
rows3:      510
cols:       890
cols3:      890
depths:     6
[Raster MASK present]
GRASS 5.7.cvs:~/grasscvs57/grass57_exp_2003_10_18/vector/v.vol.rst > r3.mapcalc "test=precip3d.500z50*1."
FATAL ERROR: G3d_adjustRegion: depths <= 0


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