[GRASS5] Screen shots again

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 30 18:32:51 EST 2005

> Hamish suggested that png's look better than jpg's if you are showning
> menus. However, I've not been able to get them small enough and still
> look good. Does anyone have any suggestion along that line?

Making PNGs small (in order or importance):

1) reduce the number of colors in the image
GIMP 2.2: Image->Mode->Indexed->Max # of colors
(or use NetPBM: pngtopnm | pnmquant | pnmtopng)
reduce until it starts to look bad then go back a little

2) pngcrush will usually get you down another 10% without quality loss.
(command line program - should compile on Mac ok.)

Images with lots of color gradients & shading (e.g. remote sensing or
NVIZ output) will generally be smaller/better as JPEG.

Images with large areas of constant color or with features you want to
preserve exactly (eg small text) will be smaller and look better as PNG.

but somewhat trial & error ....


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