[GRASS5] [bug #3374] (grass) ps.map - error in margins or paper size handling

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Mon Jun 27 15:26:23 EDT 2005

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3374

The example based on spearfish60.
Grass61 cvs 21.06.2005.

GRASS 6.1.cvs (spearfish60):~ > g.region rast=elevation.10m -ap
projection: 1 (UTM)
zone:       13
datum:      nad27
ellipsoid:  clark66
north:      4928000
south:      4914020
west:       590010
east:       609000
nsres:      10
ewres:      10
rows:       1398
cols:       1899

1 ps.map input=spear_ps.txt output=spear_ps.ps

where spear_ps.txt contains:

raster elevation.10m
paper a4
top 0.0
bottom 0.0
left 0.0
right 0.0

2 Open in gv with "Automatic" paper size enabled:

- on the right paper canvas stands out of the frame, which is thinner here
than the bottom and left frame,
- on the top the frame is only slightly visible (almost not visible at all).

3 Force A4 size in gv:
- right frame dissapears for good, only a one pixel-wide column of paper
canvas is visible.

Similar behaviour on other setups.


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Subject: ps.map - error in margins or paper size handling
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