[GRASS5] debian control

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Mon Oct 3 03:17:22 EDT 2005

Hash: SHA1


Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Hi all.
> After some experimenting, I found that the procedure to build a debian package 
> from grass cvs is quite simple:
> - update from cvs the usual way
> - su
> dpkg-buildpackage

You can also use 'fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage'.

> The only problems I find are:
> - during cvs update some files are conflicting (as a result of previous 
> compilations); it seems necessary to delete them for a successful compilation

Are you sure that the "conflicts" are a problem ? I just run a cvs
update on the repository and there does not seem to be a problem.
The only "conflicts" I see are specific debian files which are
handled by dpkg-buildpackage, not any of the GRASS source.

If you want to clean up your source tree before an update, you can
run 'debian/rules clean' which should do a clean including
unpatching debian patches. Then the conflicts should disappear...

> - I get the error
> reverting patch htmlgen-fakeroot from ./ ... failed.
>  make: *** [unpatch] Error 1
> This disappears if I delete the debian/ directory and rerun the process.
> Hope this helps smoothing things further (they're now just little annoyances, 
> but it can take a while to sort them out the first time).

Sorry I couldn't give you above hints earlier, just stumbled upon
them myself.


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