[GRASS5] [bug #3704] (grass) d.rast.arrow does not save a line in the monitor history

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 5 03:37:22 EDT 2005

> Can you (or someone) add this to d.rast.arrow and d.rast.num so that a
> display with these features can be output to a graphics file using
> d.out.file?

Yes (eventually).

> Are there any more commands (excluding mouse placement) that need
> this?

Probably. I'm a bit conservative about going around giving every module
every feature just because we can.. I like to convince myself that it
wasn't written that way on purpose.
> With regard to mouse placement, it would be nice if when placing
> something with a mouse (e.g. A scalebar), the coordinates could be
> read on the mouse click and pasted into the coordinate field so that
> the feature could be saved.

d.barscale already does this. Try 'd.barscale -m' and then use d.save to
look at what was saved to the window command list.

Also the superior mouse placement code from d.barscale needs to be
ported to other modules, e.g. d.text.freetype.


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