[GRASS5] [bug #4248] (grass) r.surf.contour: Treats 0 as NULL and other archaic problems

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 5 08:27:56 EDT 2006

> I'm also having too much troubles with v.surf.rst to be able to
> produce a decent DEM from elevation contours. Seeking for an
> alternative I found Pavel Sakov's "nnbathy" - a natural neighbor
> interpolator, based on Jonathan Shewchuk's "triangle". It is even
> better for me than r.surf.contour - it handles non continous contour
> lines fine, as well as elevation points between contour lines, huge
> areas of no data, rapid elevation gradients, and is darn fast. The
> source code is available.
> http://www.marine.csiro.au/~sakov/

How does nnbathy outpt differ from a rasterized TIN?
For that matter, how does r.surf.contour differ from a rasterized TIN?

e.g. v.3Dtin by Jachym Cepicky on the Wiki add-ons page + v.to.rast
Does v.to.rast work on "faces"? Should it?

What other options?
idw, idw2, v.krige (add-ons), and I imagine numerous other Kriging and
other varieties from the R-statistics interface.


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