[GRASS5] rasters?

Andrea Antonello andrea.antonello at gmail.com
Tue Mar 14 02:42:40 EST 2006

> I can only think of two changes:
> 1. For compressed maps (integer or FP), the size of the row offsets is
> sizeof(off_t) rather than sizeof(long). The main consequence of this
> is that 8-byte offsets will now be more common, so if your code only
> handles 4-byte offsets, it will fail more often.

I'm not completely sure but it should be that, which should again be easy to 
solve (hopefully). I will check and in case come back with new questions.

Do you know when more or less sizeof(long) was changed.

Thanks for your help,

HydroloGIS - Environmental Safety Modelling

Andrea Antonello
Environmental Engineer
mobile:  +393288497722

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