[GRASS5] hydraulic model tools

Andrea Antonello andrea.antonello at gmail.com
Tue May 2 03:24:54 EDT 2006

> just a note regarding this - most hydrologic modeling tools that were
> developed or linked to GRASS
> in 90ies and not ported to GRASS6 usually need more than just porting.
> Compared to their current versions
> (if they exist) they are very much behind so they also need some serious
> upgrade
> (this is true also for the simwe modules).
> I have emailed to Fred Ogden who is one of the co-authors of casc2d to
> find out what he thinks should be done
> but I don't have an answer yet. The same should probably be done for
> answers, swat, r.water.fea  and others.
> Also, there are several efforts in development of new hydrologic modules
> that I know of but I will
> leave the announcement to authors when they are ready.

I subscribe to what you are saying here Helena.
Also looking forward to see what new tools are on the way in this field.

> > In that case JGrass has a whole bunch of "water-related" tools and is
> > based on  the GRASS raster format. I know some people have issues with
> > java :)
> FYI there are efforts underway to get JGrass running with Free java
> work-alikes (classpath, kaffe), which may give a 100% Free toolchain one
> day. This is still a bit far off but things are much closer with
> OpenJUMP*, see:
>   http://pkg-grass.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl/PackageList
> [*] already in the DebianGIS repo regardless of what that page says.

Yes Hamish,
you are right, even if OpenJump lacks of hydrologic tools. 
We decided not to wait for the free implementations of the Java Virtual 
Machine, since that would block us from staying in line with new tecnologies.
We are now on java 1.5 and the site states: "contrib - needs jdk1.4, several 
contrib packages", so I don't think that jgrass will be soon aligned with the 
free JVM's. As soon as the mustang 1.6 will come, we will jump into that 
since the opengl pipeline which we use is integrated in the JVM.
I don't want to start a discussion on that, just making clear what our 
thoughts are.

In my opinion people should think about what JGrass can give to them, and that 
it tries to keep in line with GRASS formats supplying a possibility to 
develop in java (which is largly used), and not that the JVM is not GPL... a 
lot of work is done by few people in JGrass and I feel strange in thinking 
that someone would not exploit it because of a different flavor of its 

Best regards,

HydroloGIS - Environmental Safety Modelling

Andrea Antonello
Environmental Engineer
mobile:  +393288497722

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