[GRASS5] New shiny GRASS test suite

Sören Gebbert soerengebbert at gmx.de
Tue May 2 19:12:15 EDT 2006

Dear users and devs,
a new version of the grass test suite is available.

New features are:

* a new, small test location is available as part of the test suite with vector, raster, raster3d and dbf files

* The test suite checks now the dependences of grass and has a build in function to execute only those scripts
   which meets these dependences (e.g.: if gdal is supported by grass -> r.in.gdal and r.out.gdal tests are available) 
   These dependences have to be set in the test scripts (e.g.: NEED_GDAL=yes for gdal dependence)

* 72 test scripts are available, including most of the r3.* , g.* and db.* modules 
  and also a lot of r.* and v.*  modules
  More than 250 tests can be performed

* new scripts are added for the correct grass start -> grass starts with the new test location, spearfish is not needed anymore

* The coding style fulfills now parts of the SUBMITTING_SCRIPTS guidline

You can get this test suite here:

The current output with valgrind check:

You have to use a recent version of grass6.1-cvs!!! to get the test suite work.
If you want to use the test suite just do the following steps in a bash or tcsh:

cd /tmp
wget http://www-pool.math.tu-berlin.de/~soeren/grass/GRASS_TestSuite/GRASS_Testsuite-
tar xjvf GRASS_Testsuite-
cd GRASS_Testsuite

#After doing this you can start the test suite with the following command to
#performe every available test (if you want add the flag -u for the error detection tests)

./RunGRASSTestSuite.sh -dgrv3h

#Now the html output is created in the /tmp directory, just open the file


#with any browser to see detailed results of the test

firefox file:///tmp/GRASSTestSummary.html

Thats all :)
Have fun

I hope for some feedback! It would be very interesting if this test suite also
works with MacOS X.

Waiting for your suggestions
Best regards

A strange thing happens with r.terraflow which produce a assertion and a core dump if
running within valgrind (flag -m). Can anybody approve this? Just call within grass:

./RunGRASSTestSuite.sh -mh module=./Tests/raster/r.terraflow-test.sh

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