[GRASS-dev] [bug #4447] (grass) Configure not finding external proj libraries

guest user via RT grass-bugs at intevation.de
Wed May 10 16:47:21 EDT 2006

I can confirm this with today's CVS. It's been out there for several days now.
Must be connected with recent changes to PROJ.4 handling at configure (see
recent archives for details).

FYI, if you set the new configure switch --with-proj-share correctly (e.g. on
my box its' "= /usr/local/share/proj/") the warnings are gone.

Propably the PROJ.4 share dir cannot be autodetected any longer by Grass for
some good reason, that's why the new switch.

I don't know if to expect problems due to the warning above. Since I have
noticed it I've been using --with-proj-share and all is ok.

Closing report. Re-open if needed.


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