[GRASS-dev] [bug #5264] (grass) v.digit - G_malloc out of memory error

Maciek Sieczka via RT grass-bugs at intevation.de
Mon Nov 13 04:17:23 EST 2006

hamish_nospam at yahoo.com wrote (Mon, Nov 13 2006 07:00:33):

> again, these region settings are totally unrealistic,

No. It is quite likely anybody will sometimes set bogus region settings using
eg. g.region, and run v.digit after that (I can also imagine a user who really
wants the resolution that high, and he knows what he's doing).

> but cleaning up after bogus region settings shouldn't break the entire grass
> session.

That's one thing. But first of all v.digit mustn't crash and corrupt my data 
because it doesn't like the region settings. If it really can't handle a given
extent, it should exit cleanly.


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