[GRASS-dev] ps.map: scale wrong and no output

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 15 20:34:57 EST 2006

> Maciej Sieczka wrote:
> > ps.map calculates the scale wrong.
> > paper a0
> > end	
> > PS-PAINT: scale set to 1 :
> > 189563909041466328239248756598074334180039196672.
> > If I define the paper manually, like:
> > 
> > height 46.77
> > width 33.07
> > left 1
> > right 1
> > bottom 1
> > top 1
> > 
> > All is OK, the calculated scale is 1:37000.
> Specifying a named paper size doesn't work. More precisely, failing to
> specify all of the properties of the paper size doesn't work.
> The problem is due to the attempt to handle rotated plots:
> 	RCS file: /grassrepository/grass6/ps/ps.map/r_paper.c,v
> 	Working file: r_paper.c
> 	----------------------------
> 	revision 1.2
> 	date: 2006/08/04 07:25:22;  author: markus;  state: Exp;  lines:
> 	+22 -12 Bob Covill: fix paper size/map scaling for rotated map
> 	----------------------------
> The updated version of read_paper() attempts to unconditionally fill
> in all of the fields related to paper sizes, when it should only be
> setting fields which are actually specified. If the user fails to
> explicitly specify any of the fields, that field will contain garbage.

Yep. I just figured out the same a few minutes ago & fixed it in CVS.
(+6.2 release branch). It was ok in 6.1.0.

So ps.map is pretty much broken in 6.2.0. Bummer.

If we can figure out why NVIZ volumes are broken and fix the following
bug, I'd vote for a quick 6.2.1 release.

NVIZ volume problem (test with slovakia3d dataset) - sometimes it works
 * fails from command line; ok if the volume added within NVIZ (bug #4725)

It would be nice to fix this one too:


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