[GRASS-dev] spam in bug tracker

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 28 04:27:01 EDT 2006

Jan-Oliver Wagner wrote:
> > Is there anything we can do about it?
> unfortunately, our RT tracker has been flooded by a SPAM
> attack that used HTTP (not mail).
> We switched off opportunity to add comments as anonymous.
> (we had to patch rt for this at its configuration does only allow to
> switch of new bugs send by anonymous).
> Another good reason to the new bug tracker.
> There, it is also only allowed to comment/submit if you are
> a registered user. But unlike for rt, there you can
> create a user account on your own easily.

Thanks for the quick service Jan, and thanks to Maciek and Eric for all
their efforts too. It's a frustrating business.

I guess the sooner we migrate to the new bug tracker the better then.
After that we can start on CVS->SVN and OSGeo migrations ;)


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