[GRASS-dev] openmp compile flag problem

Yann yann.chemin at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 04:27:43 EST 2007


I am trying to get openMP to explicitely run on an imagery module.

in the module Makefile I added this:
LIBES = $(GISLIB) -lgomp -fopenmp

to cover the lib requirements. and it seems to be fine while compiling the .o 
files in OBJ.../ dir.

After a make install, the module parallel test clause omp_in_parallel() 
returns a zero value, indicating the code is not running in parallel.

I made a test by compiling one of the test programs from the net, explicitely 
out of GRASS compilation envt and then by replacing it as the main.c of the 
module. In the first case the omp_in_parallel() returns a positive (run in 
parallel), and in the second case, a 0 value (not running in parallel). It 
must be something missing after the main.o compilation then...

Any suggestion please?

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