[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] raster module for travel time calculations (updated)

ivan marchesini marchesini at unipg.it
Sun Dec 30 05:44:07 EST 2007

Thank you very much for your work Kristian...

Il giorno dom, 30/12/2007 alle 09.44 +0100, jesbergwetter at arcor.de ha
> Dear GRASS developers and users,
> I am using GRASS GIS for some hydrological applications. For some questions like flood prediction it is useful to estimate the travel time of surface water in a basin to the outlet. Therefor I've developed a raster program "r.traveltime" which calculates the travel time for each cell in a basin from outputs of r.watershed and r.fill.dir. There is much literature about this procedure available but there's a lag of available software (GRASS and even ArcGIS do not come with this function). The personal need an the lag of available programs were the reason for me to develop a new program for GRASS GIS. I am not a programming expert, so the program is very simple and far away from being perfect.
> I submitted this tool to the GRASS Wiki addon page.
> In November I have already posted r.traveltime to the GRASS weblist mailing list. Recently I've found some bugs in the program. I hope it works correctly now.
> r.traveltime is available here:
> http://home.arcor.de/jesbergwetter/main_sw.html
> Best regards
> Kristian Förster
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Ivan Marchesini
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Perugia
Via G. Duranti 93/a 
Perugia (Italy)
Socio fondatore GFOSS "Geospatial Free and Open Source Software" http://www.gfoss.it
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